In collaboration with the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department at the Lebanese American University Medical Center- Rizk Hospital in Beirut, we conducted a workshop on diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy simulation through virtual reality. Both instructors and residents were amazed with the realism and potential of...
Today we were pleased to participate to the efforts of the Lebanese American University in rising awareness on medical simulation as a tool to educate medical students and practitioners in a totally safe environment thus enhancing the quality and safety of medical procedures in...
Today we conducted a comprehensive training on Piezolith 3000 Plus from Richard Wolf. It is the second time that Al Hayat Hospital trusts us to equip its ESWL lab, same as several other loyal customers, underlining the value of our technological solution, its durability,...
We were happy to train and commission the outpatient urology clinic at LAUMC-SJH equipped with state-of-the-art urodynamics diagnostic suite helping analyze incontinence its causes and its optimal treatment.
Today has witnessed the launching of a new revolutionary high quality surgical light at affordable cost. We hope we could benefit all Lebanese surgeons with this new solution from our German partner Simeon Medical for high intensity, shadowless, in-depth illumination of surgical sites without...
Today we were happy to assist at Saint George Ajaltoun Hospital’s newly constructed orthopedic surgical suite, fully equipped by Samir Hani Group, in the first hip surgery through minimally invasive anterior approach. This approach, requiring our special Condor motorized orthopedic extension, enables precise and...